Club In Action
Click Here to check out our video page for more Club in Action
October 2024
Halloween Fun at Martha Assistant Living Home
The Princeton Women's Club is gearing up for some Halloween fun with some of the residents of Martha's Residence Home in Princeton. Today we helped the residents decorate Halloween bags that we took back to fill up with toiletries, paper goods, slipper socks, and more. We will deliver the bags in the next week or two. Residents (and members) had fun sponge painting, drawing, using stickers and markers to decorate their special bags.
Pole Decorating Contest
Members of the Princeton Women's Club got together to work on decorating a light pole for the Princeton Halloween Pole Decorating Contest. We battled the crazy winds and chilly temps to put our "special" club member scarecrow back on display for Halloween. We made quick work of doing this because it was ccccold and wwwwindy! The Club took Second Place!!
September 2024
Markesan School District
Club members presented a check to Markesan School Principal Jason Breaker and teacher Billie Lang for $2,500.
Princeton School District
Club members presented Princeton School teacher (and club member) Leann Holland with a check for $2,500.
Christine Ann Center
Club members presented a check to Eden Protheroe, Education & Marketing Specialist (on the right side of the check), and Anise Madeline (on the left side of the check), Outreach and Volunteers Specialist at the Christine Ann Center for Domestic Abuse/Violence (Oshkosh).
Flea Market Food Booth August 10, 2024
July 2024
4th of July Parade July 6th, 2024
June 2024
Donation to the
Princeton Area Food Pantry
The Women's Club of Princeton presented a $500 check to Princeton Area Food Pantry's Lisa Sorenson to support the group's efforts in aiding those in need. From left to right, the photo includes Jenny Stelzner, Lisa Sorenson, Treasurer Gail Harter, Secretary Renee Cybul, Vice President JoDee Megeath, and President Rose Wick.
Out going Officers
We honored outgoing club officers Jenny Stelzner (Treasurer) and Terry Beck (Vice President) - photo on the right - for their years of service to the Princeton Women's Club. Thank you ladies for your hard work and efforts.
May 2024
Al Detjen, the owner of Detjen's Piggly Wiggly - Princeton, presented a check (and change) to The Women's Club of Princeton for the April's Roundup. Our club would like to extend a HUGE thank you to all those who "ROUNDED UP" for our club during April. Your kindness is much appreciated!
Members attending the presentation of the check from Al Detjen were, from left to right, Sue Bednarek, Marie Wilkins, Sue Geraldi, JoDee Megeath, Rose Wick, Mary Fritsch-Hatfield, and Jenny Stelzner.
April 2024
Rivers & Lakes Spring District Meeting
Seven GFWC Women's Club of Princeton members attended the Rivers & Lakes District meeting hosted by the GFWC-WI Women’s Club of De Pere. Gail Harter, newly elected District President Sue Bednarek, JoDee Megeath, Sue Geraldi, Marie Wilkins, Renee Cybul, and District Secretary Rose Wick are Pictured from left to right.
Family Adventure Day
Gail Harter, Terry Beck, and Jenny Stelzner represented the GFWC-WI Women's Club of Princeton at Family Adventure Day held at the Montello School District. The theme for our booth was "Kindness". We encouraged children to participate by drawing or writing about what makes them happy, their favorite activities, or what they have done. We also distributed pencils and a scavenger hunt as an activity that they could enjoy with their family at home or during a walk/hike.
MARCH 2024
Easter Blessings for Our Friends at Martha's
Members of the GFWC-WI Women's Club of Princeton visited our friends at Martha's Residence Home in Princeton. We delivered some Easter gift bags containing shampoo, deodorant, two kinds of chocolate bunnies, and slip-proof footies. Happy Easter to our friends at Martha's.
Before our club's meeting, we presented Officer Will Gorr with a $500 check.
This gesture indicates our commitment to supporting our community.
We appreciate your service, Officer Gorr.
Wearing Red for Heart Health Awareness
Welcome Barb Larbes
Heart Snowflakes Craft for the residents at Martha's
Before our club meeting, a group of us created
heart-shaped snowflakes to bring to the residents at Martha's Assisted Living Home.
January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. This month is dedicated to raising awareness about human trafficking and educating the public about how to identify and prevent this crime. National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is recognized each year on January 11.
In recognition of this important day and throughout January, Sue Bednarek and JoDee Megeath, members of the GFWC-WI Women’s Club of Princeton, are challenging their FELLOW CLUB WOMEN and LOCAL COMMUNITIES to show their support by stopping at the Princeton Public Library and taking selfies with the blue heart wreath and one of the Human trafficking signs and posting it on social media with the hashtag #WearBlueDay, #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay
Donation to Warmth for Winter
During our monthly meeting, we had the pleasure of having Katie Berndt, a teacher from Princeton School, as our guest. Club President Rose Wick wrote a Basic Needs Grant that allowed us to present a mock check for $5,000 to Katie. If approved by the board, the funds will be used for the "Warmth for Winter" initiative at the school. We are extremely proud to be able to contribute to this wonderful program that helps keep kids warm during the winter season.
Recognized for Five Years of Living the Volunteer Spirit
Member Leann Holland was recognized as a club member for five years. Congrats to Leann and the other members who were recognized last month. Here's to many more years of being an active member of our fantastic club.
Women's Club of Princeton 2023
Princeton's Oxbow Trail Neighborhood Little Free Library made the National Little Free Library newsletter!
Donations for the Christine Ann Center
The Women's Club of Princeton has been collecting donated items for the Christine Ann Center for Domestic Abuse Services located in Oshkosh. We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the center's "Items Needed" list and to Laura Skalitzky, the Librarian at the Princeton Library, for generously allowing us to set up a donation area within the library premises.
Members of the GFWC-WI Women's Club of Princeton, along with volunteers from Calvary Lutheran Church in Princeton, collaborated to pack bags of food items for families in need for their annual Foodsgiving event. In the first row from left to right are Jenny Stelzner, Elizabeth Barzyk, Barb Dettman, Sandy Booth, Gail Harter, and Rose Wick, while the second row from left to right shows Leann Holland, Chris Goulet, JoDee Megeath, Mary Hatfield, and Vicky Evans.
The GFWC-WI Women's Club of Princeton teamed up with Calvary Lutheran Church volunteers to pack food bags for the annual Foodsgiving event. The aim of the event is to provide a full Thanksgiving meal to families in need so they can enjoy the holiday. Sherri Jones from the church helped coordinate everything, including food storage and arranging volunteers to pack the bags. This event is a true community collaboration, with funds from various sources like the Princeton Area Community Fund, Knights of Columbus, Lions Club, Renards European Bakeshop, Calvary Lutheran Church, and a local family. These funds were used to provide gift cards that families can use to purchase their turkey or other grocery items. The food items were donated by Websters, Seneca, and Ripon Medical Center, while Detjens Piggly Wiggly generously donated grocery bags for packing the food items. Some of the club members and members of the Calvary Lutheran Church donated food items. All of this made for a well-organized and well-planned session. We are grateful to everyone who donated food items and helped to pack bags.
At their November meeting, members of the Women's Club of Princeton collected items to donate to the Green Lake Animal Shelter.
Trick or Treat on Water Street
Trick or Treat on Water St. in Princeton was a rousing success despite wild wind and chilly temps. So many adorable kids in costumes. It was fun to see the joy Halloween brings to children. Thanks to Heidi, Sue G., Renee, JoDee, Sue B., Gail, and Rose for helping out.
Rivers & Lakes Fall 2023 District Meeting
The GFWC Women's Club of Princeton would like to thank the GFWC Brillion Women's Club for hosting a wonderful Fall District Meeting. Breakfast and lunch were amazing, as was the venue. We (Rose Wick, Sue Bednarek, Sue Geraldi, and Renee Cybul) enjoyed representing our club and being able to hear Joann Mignon, (a representative for and former Police Chief of Brillion, WI)of the nonprofit organization WI Concerns of Police Survivors (WI C.O.P.S.) speak about how volunteers (former or current police officers who have experienced the loss of a partner/colleague/friend) help those who have lost a loved one/friend, etc. in the line of duty. Joann's presentation was not only informative but touched the hearts of all those present. Check out the website for WI C.O.P.S. at and/or ( to see the wonderful work they do.
Painting Pumpkins with Martha Residents
The Women's Club of Princeton is embracing the autumn spirit. Terry Beck, Mary Fritsch-Hatfield, JoDee Megeath, and Sandy Booth spent time this week painting pumpkins with some of the residents of Martha's Residence Home. Everyone had a great time, and the pumpkins are now adding to the festive atmosphere in the dining area.
Take Back the Night
Sandy Booth and Jenny Stelzner represented The Women's Club of Princeton at the "Take Back the Night" event held in Green Lake. The event is an initiative to honor survivors and remember the victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. The event was sponsored by Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, INC.
Green Lake County Aging Unit
2023 Health and Wellness Fair
Sandy Booth and Chris Goulet represented the Club at the 2023 Health and Wellness Fair hosted by the Green Lake County Aging Unit. The event was held at the Green Lake Town Square on September 14, 2023.
Donation From Princeton Area Community Foundation (PACF)
During our September meeting, Carol Siddal, President of the Princeton Area Community Foundation (PACF), generously donated $100 to the Princeton Women's Club for our Thanksgiving Baskets program. As an organization that meets the highest standards for philanthropic excellence, we are grateful for their support. Our club officers, including Renee Cybul (Secretary), Jenny Stelzner (Treasurer), Terry Beck (Vice President), and Rose Wick (President), were present to receive the check. We appreciate the donation and thank PACF for their kindness. Please find a photo of the officers and Carol Siddal below.
On August 5, 2023, our "Food Booth Warriors" volunteered to cook and serve food at the Princeton Flea Market as our annual fundraiser. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for making this a success for our club! We appreciate your time, effort, and kindness. Thank you to Gail & James Harter, Rose & Bill Wick, Terry Beck, Jenny Stelzner, Vicky Evans, Barb Dettman, Chris Goulet, JoDee Megeath, Mary Lou Neubauer, Leann Holland, Sandy Booth, and Cheryl Harvey. Thank you to the members who baked cookies and bars for desserts. Much appreciated!
Women's Club of Princeton Receives Grant for Princeton School District's Backpack Program
Women's Club of Princeton Receives Grant from Green Lake Basic Needs Foundation
Pictured is Tom Joseph (GLBNF founder) Debby Hartwig (GLBNF-Board member) presents a $9,000 check to Chris Goulet,(club member and grant writer), Carol Stephens (GLBNF founder), Jenny Stelzner (club treasurer).
Women's Club of Princeton Present a $9,000 check to the Princeton School District Back Program
Pictured is Rose Wick (club president), Katrina Brozowski (Princeton school district teacher and backpack program director), Chris Goulet, (club member and grant writer), Jenny Stelzner, (club treasurer)
Al Detjen Presents June's Round-Up check
The Women's Club of Princeton extends a huge THANK YOU to Detjen's Piggly Wiggly for selecting our club for June's Round-Up. Today members accepted the check from Al Detjen, owner. The Club really appreciates those who shopped at "The Pig" and rounded up their grocery bills to help donate to us. Members (from left to right): JoDee Megeath, Terry Beck, Rose Wick, Chris Goulet, and Sandy Booth were on hand to accept the generous check.
A lot happened at our June 7th, 2023 Meeting
Donation to the Princeton Fire Department
The Member of the Women's Club of Princeton donated $1,500 to the Princeton Fire Department for LED road flares, and stop/slow road sign paddles. Picture (in back) JoDee Megeath, fireman, Terry Beck, (in front Jenny Stelzner, Rose Wick, Vicky Evens, Barb Dettman, Sandy Booth, Ted Kuklinski, Sergio Bustos
Donation to Mill Pond Library
Members of the Women's Club of Princeton were on hand to present Sara Wilson (far right), Librarian of Mill Pond Library in Kingston, a check for $500 to help the library acquire some much-needed items. (back row l. to r.) JoDee Megeath, Vicky Evans, Terry Beck, Sandy Booth and Chris Goulet, (front row l. to r.) Sue Bednarek, Jenny Stelzner, Rose Wick, and Barb Dettman, Sara Wilson with her granddaughter.
The Giving Closet
GFWC-WI Women's Club Members, Gail Harter and Renee Cybul presented a check to Markesan Middle School SPEC ED teacher Mrs. Lang, who is the founder of The Giving Closet - a room set aside in the high school that provides clothing, toiletries, school supplies, and more for those who need them. Kudos to Mrs. Lang for creating this wonderful place for the students of Markesan Middle and High School students.
Members of the Women's Club of Princeton wore blue in support of two causes: raising awareness about sexual assault and violence and promoting the prevention of child abuse. Additionally, they supported Autism Awareness Month in April.
Members included in the photo are (first row, left to right): Mary Hatfield, Vicky Evans, Sue Geraldi, Sue Bednarek, JoDee Megeath, and Rose Wick; (back row, left to right): Gail Harter, Jenny Stelzner, Renee Cybul, Barb Dettman, and Terry Beck.
Rivers & Lakes Spring District meeting April 14,2023
The Women's Club of Princeton hosted the spring Rivers & Lakes District meeting at the Green Lake Conference Center. Thanks to the committee who worked hard to make this a smashing success! Great items for the raffle and super Swag Bags were much appreciated by our club members and club members from within the district. State President Nancy Dickman was one of our speakers, along with Mike Lehner, captain of the Escapade tour boat. The Helen Mears Art contest brought an array of incredible artwork by 7th & 8th grade students. The two judges, Robin Wallenfang (professional mural artist) and Mary Lind (former Princeton School art teacher), explained why they chose the pieces to go on to the state competition. The luncheon served was terrific, and the venue was beautiful.
Easter Pie Fundraiser & Friends for Martha's Residents
April 8th was a busy day for the Women's Club Princeton! Our pie sale sold out in a half hour and then some of the members delivered stuffed dogs and cats to the residents of Martha's assisted living.
Art's Live GFWC-WI State President's Special Projecet
Leann Holland presents Nicole Burdick a check $250 for the Princeton Public Schools Fine Arts Night and Janelle Fishbaugher a $250 check to help with the cost of the upcoming Band Trip.
Women's Heart Health Month/Valentine's Day
Members shown celebrating Women's Heart Health Month by wearing RED to show our support. We put our love into creating "Stained Glass" window decorations for our friends at Martha's Residence Home in Princeton, WI. Tissue Paper and construction paper became beautiful pieces of art (and the members and floor were decorated as well). These beautiful pieces of art are for Martha's to display in their front window. The sun shining through them will be beautiful. Members who participated (from left to right) were Treasurer Jenny Stelzner, Vice President Terry Beck, Chris Goulet, Secretary Renee Cybul, President Rose Wick, Sue Bednarek, and Marie Wilkins.
Club members wear blue to support HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS DAY on January 11, 2023. From left to right: Sue Bednarek, JoDee Megeath, Marie Wilkins, Club Vice President Terry Beck, Sue Geraldi, Club Secretary Renee Cybul, and Club President Rose Wick.
Women's Club of Princeton 2022
Welcome Gail Harter
The Princeton Women's Club is proud to add Gail Harter as one of our new members. Pics show her swearing-in ceremony at our meeting on Wednesday. Vice President Terry Beck is welcoming Gail with an official members' pin. Congratulations to Gail! We are happy to have you as a member!
Bringing Holiday Cheer
Holiday spirits shine brighter when you give of yourself. The Princeton Women's Club is always looking for ways to give to others, help where needed, and make someone's life a little bit brighter. On Saturday, Dec. 10 the pictured club members delivered handmade Pinecone Christmas trees (in mini flower pots) and hand-crafted Christmas cards to our friends at Martha's Assisted Living in Princeton. Residents were delighted with their own special "tree". Members from left to right: Renee Cybul, Mary Hatfield, Rose Wick, Sue Geraldi, Marie Wilkins, JoDee Megeath, and Jenny Stelzner.
Holiday Party 2022
Members of the Women's Club enjoyed a wonderful holiday party this evening to celebrate our friendships during this festive season. A table full of hors d' oeuvres and a table of delicious desserts made for a yummy beginning to the evening. The evening continued with a Socks/Gift Exchange (the socks were filled with all sorts of interesting items), as the club secretary read "The Wright Family Christmas" - a story that is read aloud and each time the words "right" or "left" were read, the gift being held had to be passed in that direction. It was an evening of camaraderie, giggles, and holiday spirit.
Christmas Crafts
Princeton Women's Club spent a Saturday afternoon making mini pine cone Christmas trees (in mini flower pots) for our friends at Martha's Assisted Living facility in Princeton. We will meet with them next week to gift the residents these cute little trees. Member crafters present were Renee Cybul, Terry Beck, Chris Goulet, Vicky Kearns Evans, Mary Fritsch, and Gail Harter. Thanks to member Leann Holland for spray painting the little flower pots.
Christmas in Princeton 2022
The Princeton Women's Club has the holiday spirit! Several members walked in the Princeton Christmas Parade this evening. We even had an adorable mascot - Lola, the Havadoodle in her Christmas dress. We had fun representing the club in the parade, and the spectators enjoyed the candy we tossed out to them.
Thanksgiving Pie sale
Fun time Learning to Crochet
Sue Bednarek gave crochet lessons at Chris Kopfle Stoffler Goulet house. Some of the ladies learned a new skill. It was a fun night. We forgot to take pictures during the morning session. Sue Geraldi and Vicky Kearns Evans joined Chris and me for an enjoyable morning session. Would be fun to do this again.
Donation to the Christine Ann Center
Members Jenny Stelzner, Rose Wick , Sue Bednarek, and Renee Cybul presented the many items donated to the Christine Ann Center in Oshkosh to representative Sandra (pictured far left). Items were donated by Princeton Women's Club members and residents of local communities. The Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services (CADASI) operates a 37 bed emergency shelter for individuals and families needing safety and shelter from an abusive situation. This is the only agency providing comprehensive domestic violence programs and services to communities in Winnebago and Green Lake Counties.
Welcome New Members
Congratulations to Barb Dettman and JoDee Megeath for being sworn in as "official" Princeton Women's Club members. Both Barb and JoDee have been outstanding members and we are happy to make it official!
Holiday Card Making
Several members participated in a Christmas Card Making event last night. Each member made 3 different cards. We all had so much fun! Thank you to our wonderful teacher, Judy Arawinko, for providing the materials and directions (and a lot of encouragement) to make this another fun evening of card making. So interesting to see how different each of the cards were. Each member is donating one card to a resident at Martha's Assisted Living as part of our Christmas/Holiday event.
Princeton Women's Club members had fun participating in the Trick or Treat on Water St event.
State Club President Nancy Dickman Guest at our October Meeting
GFWC-WI State President Nancy Dickman was a guest at our monthly meeting on October 5, 2022. Nancy's presentation included a lot of very useful information about the club itself, including the 4 Fs (Firm, Fair, Forward-Thinking, Friendly), and strategies for working collegially as a club, among many important and pertinent ideas for a successful club. In the picture to the left, Princeton Women's Club officers shared a photo with Nancy Dickman(from left to right - Terry Beck (Vice President), Rose Wick (President), Nancy Dickman (State President), Jenny Stelzner (Treasurer), and Renee Cybul (Secretary).
Harvest Faire September 18, 2022
Club members JoDee Megeath and Terry Beck at the Princeton Harvest Faire selling our cookbooks, birdseed wreaths, and "scrubbies".
Donation to the Princeton Public Library
At the September 7, 2022, meeting, members of the Princeton Women's Club presented a check to Laura Skalizky, library director, for the library Garden Project.
August 6, 2022
Club ladies served up brats, burgers, dogs, and a delicious strawberry pretzel dessert at the Flea Market Food Booth. Despite the heat, we had a great time.
Visit at the Princeton Historical Society July 2022
The Princeton Women's Club was invited to attend an event at the Princeton Historical Society that featured vintage wedding attire. Light refreshments were served as guests meandered through the wonderful pieces of wedding history. Members enjoyed finding books from our club's past among the other exhibits.
Card Making Class
Princeton Women's Club members had a wonderful time making greeting cards with our "teacher", Judy Arawinka. Lots of fun, lots of creativity, and wonderful end products. Members are looking forward to making Christmas Cards next.
June 22, 2022
Rose Wick, Mary Lou Neubauer and Sue Bednarek had the pleasure of talking to a group of 7-12 year olds at summer school class called "Kind Kids".
Members talked to the kids about the history of the club (we have been serving the community for 105 years), some of the projects we have done and the importance of volunteering even if it is only something that may seem small. The kids also shared with us some of the things that they have been doing to help others.
June 1st, 2022
At our June meeting, the club presented out going President, Sue Geraldi and Vice President, Tracy Ebert planters as a show of appreciation for their services.
A Blackout poem broadside created by Dr. Steve Bellin-Oka, the first poet-in-residence at Ripon College, was presented to Laura Skalitzky, Library Director of the Princeton Library, where it will be displayed. The club also presented a check to Laura for the library.
Jenny Stelzner.and Renee Cybul show off picture that they entered in the members Photo Contest.
Bike Safety May 21, 2022
The Princeton Women's Club along with the Princeton Public Schools, the City of Princeton, and the Green Lake County Department of Health and Human Services sponsored the bike safety event on May 21, 2022. Each child received a helmet and a water bottle in a backpack. They could have their bike inspected and then ride the obstacle course. Two lucky children won bikes that were donated. Hot dogs and chips were served. Two bikes were given away! Congratulations to Mason Berndt, Winner of the '90s GT Interceptor BMX bike, and Morgan Westfield, winner of the girl's 22-inch mountain bike.
Spring Fling May 5th, 2022
Installation of the
GFWC-WI Princeton Women's Club Officers
Left to Right: Treasurer Jenny Stelzner, Secretary Renee Cybul, Vice President Terry Beck, and President Rose Wick
Easter Cheer for our friends at Martha's
President-elect Rose Wick along with Treasurer Jenny Stelzner stopped by Martha's Assisted Living on Water St in Princeton to drop off some Easter flowers and a few chocolate bunnies for the residents to enjoy.
Just-For-Fun Dot Mandala Craft Night
The Princeton Women's Club just-for-fun Dot Mandala craft night led by Princeton Library Director Laura Skalitzky.
It was a relaxing craft and those in attendance enjoyed painting on various objects using the Dot Mandala method.
" Crisis/Getaway Bags" for the Christine Ann Center.
Pictured below are some members of our club working on Crisis/Getaway Bags for the Christine Ann Center in Oshkosh. Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services (CADASI) operates a 37-bed emergency shelter for individuals and families needing safety and shelter from an abusive situation. The bags lovingly created by our members will provide a much-needed item for women/families in crisis due to domestic abuse.
Al Detjen presents check for February Roundup
Al Detjen owner of Detjen's Piggly Wiggly presented a check to the Princeton Women's Club on Saturday, March 5, 2022 for February Roundup.
Memorial Gift & Valentine's Day Treats
Jenny Stelzner, club treasurer, along with club members presented a $50.00 check to Laura Skalizky, library director, in memory of Ruth Hebbe a 17 year member who passed away unexpectedly on January 26, 2022.
Two cookbooks were purchased from the money the club donated. Ruth was a collector of cookbooks.
Then it was over to Martha's Assistant Living Home to take Valentines to the residents.
Women's Club of Princeton 2021
Holiday fun at December’s meeting
Members had fun at our December meeting. We welcomed 3 of 4 new members in a candlelight ceremony, followed by a White Elephant gift exchange with the "Right Family" story - a fun way to pass the gifts around until the final direction is given.
Poinsettias for Martha's for Christmas
Members and some Princeton Middle School band members surprised our friends at Martha’s Residence Home with festive poinsettia plants to help bring the holidays to them. We purchased the poinsettias from the band’s fundraiser.
Christmas in Princeton Craft Fair 2021
Holiday Bounty Craft Faire at the Princeton school, where members sold cookbooks, birdseed wreaths, pies, scrubbies and so much more.
Assembling Thanksgiving Baskets for those in need - November 2021
Donations for the Christine Ann Center 2021
October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the Princeton Women’s Club set up a donation box at the Princeton Library in support of the Christine Ann Center in Oshkosh by providing items of need. On November 4th Alicia Gehrig from the Christine Ann Center came to pick up the donation box. Pictured below is Alicia Gehrig with club member Marie Wilkins. Thank you to all who donated.
Halloween Treats for Martha's
Halloween baskets for Martha’s Residence Home in Princeton.
Thank you to all the members who donated goodies for the baskets and a special
Thank You to Mary Fritsch who put them together.
Volunteer and give from your heart to make a difference in your community!
Trick or Treat on Water Street 2021
We had a fun time handing out candy to Trick or Treaters on Friday, October 22 during this annual community event.
Members enjoyed dressing up in Halloween attire for this event.
Flea Market June 12, 2021
Dedication of Benches for Beautification of Princeton
Dedication Day for "Benches for Beautification of Princeton" – one rainbow bench for the Main Library and one “Read” bench for the Kids Little Library. The “Read” bench was built and donated by Harlan and Monica Barkley of Markesan and painted by Club Secretary Renee Cybul.
The rainbow bench was refurbished and painted by Club member Mary Fritsch and her fiancé, Ron Hatfield.
The Club is hoping Princeton residents and visitors will utilize the benches to rest, relax, people watch, or read.
Gardeners at Work Around Town
Rivers & Lakes Spring Meeting 2021
Thank You to the Ice Bowl
The Women’s Club would like to thank The Ice Bowl owners – member Elizabeth Barzyk and her husband Keith, for their donation of $242 to the Club. Elizabeth and Keith have a “piggy bank” set out in their ice cream shop on a monthly basis and many wonderful people contributed to the Club when our month was designated. It is much appreciated by the Club and its members. Pictured are (from left to right) Elizabeth Barzyk (Owner/member), Tracy Ebert (Club V.P.), Renee Cybul(Club Secretary) and Sue Geraldi (Club President).
Cape for Kids - Junior's Special Project May 2021
Planting Pinwheel Garden for Child Abuse Awareness April 2021
Easter Basket for our friends at Martha's Residence Home 2021
Valentines for our friends at Martha's Residence Home 2021
Women's Club of Princeton 2020
Pinecone Christmas Trees for our Friends at Martha's Residence Home
December 2020
Pie Sale & Other Baked Goods November 2020
Bike Rack City Park September 3, 2020
Valentines for Martha's Residence Home February 2020
Women's Club of Princeton 2019
Snowflakes and Christmas Presents for Martha's Residence Home 2019
Christmas in Princeton Parade on Water Street 2019
Rivers & Lakes Fall District Meeting at Wisconsin's Own Library Ripon College
November 2019
Volunteers Making a Difference
Residents of Martha's Residence Home
October 2019
Trick or Treat on Water Street 2019
Club President Sue Geraldi & Vice President Tracy Ebert (top) handed out candy in Cats and Mummies made by member Sue Bednarek